Mumbai's Karachi Bakery shuts down months after MNS Threat

One of Mumbai's famous bakery in Bandra,Karachi Bakery has been finally closed down after Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) had objected it's usage of name "Karachi" a city of Pakistan.

The bakery was runned by Hyderabad based chain of Sindhu migrants from Karachi,Pakistan. The bakery had been functioning in the city since 1953 and was widely popular among the citizens.

In November 2020, MNS vice president Haji Saif Shaikh had urged the Sindhi shop owners to either gets it name changed or pull it's shutter down. The Pakistani name according to him and the party as "anti national" and "unpatriotic".

In a Twitter post Shaikh said "After massive protest for its name, Karachi Bakery finally closes its only shop in Mumbai."

However bakery manager Rameshwar Waghmare was quickly ready to deny the fact that the bakery was closed due to the recent controversy. He said "We shut shop after the old lease agreement lapsed. Our landlord had been demanding a higher sum as rent which was unviable for us. This Lockdown had already caused business volumes to drop."

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