On Thursday, the Aarey Police arrested two TV Actors for stealing Rs 3.20 lakh from a roommate. Ironically both actors used to work for the popular Hindi language crime based shows named "Savdhaan India" and "Crime Patrol".
According to the police, the two actors identified as Surbhi Shrivastava (25) and Mosina Mukhtar Shaikh (19) had been looking for a place to stay after the shooting of Savdhaan India was put on a hold due to COVID-19. With the help of an acquaintance, the two women found a home in Aarey Milk Colony and started staying as paying guests.
The started living with another woman who had Rs 3.20 lakh in her locker. "The actresses stole the cash from the locker and fled the house" said the Police.
After reviewing the CCTV footage of the building, the two women were clearly seen leaving the building with the bag and were soon arrested.
During the interrogation they informed the police that they had suffered some financial problems due to the stalling of the shoot due to which they committed the crime.
Both of them were then presented before a magistrate court which later remanded them in Police Custody till June 23.