No Agreement for such creation: Mauritius Government clears rumours of construction of Indian military base at Agalega


Amid the wide speculations, the Mauritius Government has denied a report which mentioned that they had allowed India to build a military base on the remote island of Agalega. The government also mentioned that no such agreement exits between the two nations.

Earlier in the week, popular international media outlet Al Jazeera, reported on the construction of an airstrip and two jetties to house an Indian military base on Agalega. The island is located around 1,000 kilometers north to Mauritius.

"There is no agreement between Mauritius and India for the creation of a military base in Agalega" said Ken Arian, a communications advisor to Mauritius PM Pravind Jugnauth.

Arian confirmed the construction of both projects and added that it was agreed after PM Narendra Modi's visit to Mauritius in 2015 however not for military uses.

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