China: Coronavirus had already broke out in different places before they reported


On Friday, China claimed that the Coronavirus had broke out last year in various different parts of the world but it was the first Country to report it and that's why is receiving all the blame for it. They also dismissed the allegations laid out by other countries that Coronavirus was made in a lab in Wuhan or was spread through a marketplace.

Hua Chaunying the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that "The Coronavirus is a new kind of virus as more and more facts emerge as reports reveal,we all know the epidemic broke out in various places of the world at the end of last year,while China was the first to report the outbreak, identified the pathogen and shared the genome sequence with the world".

This comments come after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out allegations of a cover up about Covid-19 by the ruling Communist Party of China(CPC). He said this during the QUAD meeting and how it had made things worse.

By the time of writing this, According to WorldoMeter there are around 37,177,477 cases of Covid-19 with around 1,073,637 deaths and 27,929,455 recovered cases. The US remains to be the worst hit country in the world with around 7,895,738 cases followed by India on second with around 6,979,423 cases. In comparison to US though India has the most recoveries in the world with 5,988,882 Recoveries than US's 5,065,384.

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