France and Germany in Lockdown again


French President Emmanuel Macron

Due to a sudden increase in Covid-19 Cases in European Countries, the leaders of France and Germany have placed the country in lockdown once again to stop the curb before winter season starts.

French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the nation through a live telecast. In his address he said "The virus is circulating at a speed that not even the most pessimistic forecasts had anticipated. Like all our neighbours, we are submerged by the sudden acceleration. We are all in the same position: overrun by a second wave which we know will be harder, more deadlier than the first. I have decided that we need to return to the lockdown stopped the virus."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that they need to take an action now. She says that their health system can still cope up with this challenge today but fears that the speed of infections will increase in coming weeks.

So now according to new rules in France, People will be required to stay at their homes except only for emergency situations or buying essential. People will be allowed to go for work only if them can't do it at home and will have to show a documentation proof of it. The big news however was Schools will remain open.

As in Germany, restaurants,bars and theatres will be closed from November 2 to November 30. Even in Germany, Schools will remain open and shows will be allowed to operate with stricts limits.

France has seen a surge of more than 50,000 cases in a day. It now has more active cases(1,085,370) than active cases of two of the worst hit countries, India(604,479) and Brazil(376,739). Germany on the other hand has seen less cases than France but fear that the numbers will increase soon.

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