US President Donald Trump accuses Russia,China and India for Global Warming


The President Election will take place on 3rd November,2020
On Thursday, US President Donald Trump fired shots at China,India and Russia regarding their failure to control climatic change and labelled them as places where breathing is impossible due to huge pollution.

On a question asked on Climate Change during his final presidential debate with candidate Joe Biden he said "Look at China how filthy it is.Look at Russia.Look at India. The air is filthy. I walked out of the Paris Accord as we had to take out trillions of dollars and we were treated very unfairly".

This is not the first time he has blamed India and China for not doing enough to control the climatic change. He even added that this countries are responsible for the change in global warming.

During his rally he alleged that "We have the best environmental numbers,ozone numbers and so many other numbers. In the meantime China,Russia,India all these countries, they are spewing stuff into the air."

According to a report, China is the biggest emitter of carbon followed by US,India and other EU countries.

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