USA breaks record for the most Covid-19 cases in a single day


Yesterday, the United States of America setted an unwanted all time high record of confirmed Coronavirus cases in a single day with over 100,000 cases on Friday with 100,233 cases, after they recorded 91,000 cases on Thursday.

With that record, it's surpassed India's record of most cases in a single day of 97,894 in September. This was the 5th time in 10 days when America has witnessed more than 77,299 cases their previous highest single day spike in July. This might be an indication of a feared second wave which has already began in some European countries.

This spike comes just 4 days ahead of the United States Presidental Election which is on 3rd November,2020 on Tuesday. According to stats the Covid-19 Pandemic has already killed more than 230,000 people in US.

Whats more worse is that it only took mere 14 days for the caseload in USA to reach 9 million cases from 8 million cases. That's around 71,428 cases approximately a day. More than a dozen states are recording new high cases with less signs of improvement.

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