Mumbai Youth Cheats His Own Parents With Fake Assualt Case


On Friday, the Aarey Police arrested a 24 year old youth who was cheating his own parents by pretending that he was robbed and trying to mislead the police.

The accused Sohan Pal works in a private company and lives with parents in Jogeshwari. He had a joint account with his mother who had saved up around Rs 4 lakh for a property purchase. Pal had however withdrawn all the money and spent it. On being asked about what happened, he came up with a dramatic story.

On November 17 at 8 pm Pal went into the Aarey Forest and allegedly injured himself with a blade. At 10 pm he came to the Aarey Police station with a friend and narrated the story.

He said that he was on the way in a auto when a women asked for a lift. He accepted and helped her and told the cops that he was soon hypnotized by the women and injured and robbed him.

He added that she took all the cash that he was carrying and ran away. After getting his senses he realised that he still has his phone and called a friend who accompanied him to the police station.

The Police then started their Investigation and discovered a cigarette butt and Ash along with a blade at the spot and figured out that he was trying to mislead them. He was immediately booked and arrested and is now being treated at the Cooper Hospital.

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