Yesterday, West Bengal's Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had written to PM Modi to declare January 23, the birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, as a national holiday and take decisive steps "to find out what happened to Netaji and place the matter in the public domain".

Chandra Kumar Bose

This demand of Mamata Banerjee has been supported by a lot of people including Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's grand-nephew- Chandra Kumar Bose. He also expressed confidence that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will declare the day a national holiday as Patriot's day.

Netaji's Mystery Should Be Brought Into A Brighter Light

Anuj Dhar

Former Journalist And Author Anuj Dhar and his Team of Mission Netaji have from the very first day researched about the facts that has been sidelined still now. In a recent YouTube interview, Mr Anuj Dhar has dug out a lot about Netaji's Life after 1945. Click here to Watch the Entire Explanation:- Netaji Alive Till 1985.

There are Clear Facts That Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was Alive Till 1985 and he was present in India.

In the video, Mr. Dhar has Spoken About Intelligence Bureau Files that his team had sought to declassify out of which most of them haven't been declassified yet. In the similar regard, Netaji's Grand Nephew On Wednesday said,"However, to date, we have not been able to resolve this mystery. First, we would like to know whether 77 intelligence bureau files, as stated in Justice Mukherjee Committee report, have been declassified and put in the public domain."

In Three of Anuj Dhar's books: Conundrum (author:Chandrachur Ghose & Anuj Dhar), What Happened To Netaji and India's Biggest Cover-Up, he has in a very detailed and clear manner explained about Netaji's Life and The Falsity about The Fake Plane Crash in Which Netaji Died.

We at the Su-Niti News, Demand For Netaji's Birthday To Be Declared As "National Holiday" & Also At Our Level We Seek that Netaji Should Be Posthumously Given The Title Of "Bharat Ratna".

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