Petrol Prices Hike To Rs 90 in Mumbai


On Sunday the petrol prices once again in Mumbai,this time breaching past the 90Rs Mark while the price of Diesel skyrocketed to over Rs 80. The Current Rate of Rs 90.05 is the highest among all the cities in India.

Across Maharashtra in around 27 Districts the price of Petrol breached the Rs 90 Mark. Around 16 Districts in the state saw the price of Diesel at Rs 80. Among them Parbhani had the highest Petrol rate at Rs 92.47 while Amravati has the highest Diesel rate at Rs 81.69.

On Sunday the price rose on Petrol and Diesel in Mumbai was of 27 paise and 30 paise respectively. Comparing the Petrol Rate in Mumbai with other metro cities was too high, with Delhi at Rs 83.41,Kolkata at Rs 84.90, Chennai at Rs 86.25, Bengaluru at Rs 86.20 and Hyderabad at Rs 86.75

Petrol prices have been on a static since September 22 and the Diesel rates haven't changed since October 2. This hike is said to be the 10th Hike in over a Fortnight.

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