In a shocking incident in Mumbai, Residents of a housing society in the city's Kandivali suburban have claimed that they are the victims of a fully planned "Vaccination Scam", in which they were given fake COVID-19 vaccine shots.
According to reports around 390 residents of the Hiranandani Estate Society have been tricked in this scam. On May 30th, the people were registered Covishield vaccine shots inside the society premises.
The Residents of the society claimed that a facilitator by the name Rajesh Pandey got in touch with the society committee claiming to be a representative of Kokilaben Ambani Hospital.
Another member of the society claimed that he had paid Rs 1,260 for every member of his family to get vaccinated. "After getting the vaccine, we did not receive any messages" said the society member.
With every dose at Rs 1,260 and with 390 residents receiving the shot, the society paid a lump sum of Rs 5 lakh to the facilitator.
Suspicion started to arose when none of the society members showed any signs of post-jab symptoms. Their doubts doubled up after they received certificates from different hospital including Nanavati, Lifeline, NESCO BMC center etc.
When contacted, the hospitals denied ever providing vaccines to the housing society in the question.
A statement was soon released by the Nanavati Hospital. "It was recently brought to our notice that the residents of a Kandivali-based housing society were issued Covid-19 vaccination certificates in the name of Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital. We wish to clarify that we have not conducted any vaccination camp at the said residental complex. We have informed authorities concerned and are lodging a formal complaint regarding the same" read the statement.
Kokilaben Ambani Hospital also clarified the same. The society members have now been left scratching their heads wondering what they were administered in the name of Covishield.
Investigation regarding this is underway.