In a shocking incident in Mumbai, a video of Police Brutality has showed up near the Girgaum Chowpatty. As per the Guidelines released by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), online delivery of food had been allowed even after the dining timing of 4pm
As seen in the video, an officer of the Mumbai Police has been seen verbally aruging with the delivery boy as he took away his key and license and stated he hates Zomato.
"Kaka let me go, I don't have money. I work for Zomato. I have not come to roam, I work for Zomato" said the Zomato Delivery Guy in Marathi to which the officer replied "I am very angry about Zomato people"
Here is the viral video-
Is this some kind of Justice? What is the mistake of this delivery guy? Zomato services are still working in different parts of the city. These type of actions blacken the good image of the police. Do share your views here.