Unlock 2.0

The Maharashtra government has extended the coronavirus lockdown till July 31 amid a steady growth in the COVID-19 numbers in the state. Issuing fresh guidelines for what it called 'Mission Begin Again', the government said that movement for non-essential activities will be restricted within the neighbourhoods in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region.

The movement of persons for the purposes of non-essential activities like shopping and the outdoor exercises, shall be restricted.

Only those attending offices and emergencies will be allowed unrestricted movement, the government said."It is also directed that unrestricted movement will be permitted only for attending place of work and bonafide humanitarian requirement including medical reason".

Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray yesterday said that despite its progress in tackling COVID-19, the crisis was not over yet and urged the people of the state to follow rules and ensure the lockdown was not re-imposed.

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