Photos of French President Emmanuel Macron posted on Mumbai Roads in protest


Mumbai Police seen removing the photos

On Friday,many roads of areas in Mumbai namely Nagpada,Bhendi Bazar and Muhammad Ali Road saw photos of French President Emmanuel Macron being posted and cars and pedestrians walking over it in a protest against his recent comment over defence of right to publish cartoons of Prophet Muhammad.

Soon after the video went viral, the pictures were removed by the Mumbai Police. These protest is said to continue from Mumbai to Bhopal according to the reports.

However the BJP party doesn't look please with this and have asked the Maharashtra Government about the failure to control such action. India has stood in solidarity with France and have shown condemned against the recent attacks in their country.

BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra has asked questions to the Maharashtra Administration in this recent tweet. In his tweet in Hindi he tweeted out, "Government of Maharashtra, what is happening in your government? India stands with France today. The PM of India has pledged with France against the terrorism that is happening. Then why insult the French president on the streets of Mumbai".

Here is the video and the tweet by Sambit Patra-

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