October 12 Mumbai Blackout More Likely To Be A Sabotage


A month ago, the Metropolitan City of Mumbai faced a huge blackout and only got it's power restored after several hours. At that time it was reported that there might have been some technical issues but now reports emerge that it might have been due to a likely sabotage.

A month long probe by the Investigation teams have predicted that there have been "multiple suspicious log-ins" into the server connecting with power supply and transmission utilities by accounts operating from Singapore and other Asian Countries.

Power Minister Nitin Raut has refused to speak on this and the threats posed by these cyber attacks but is likely to held a press conference today to discuss the finding of the probe and what the department has planned to avoid future blackouts like this.

According to some sources, these allegedly hackers have been trying to target the country's power supplies since February. A similar type of blackout was observed in Jammu and Kashmir in June but no suspicion activity was found at that time.

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