Copyright © Arth Chakraborty

All Of The Happenings Menitioned In Ramayana Or Any Other Script Of Hinduism Is Not A Mythology But Is Rather A Part Of History!

First of all, it is absolutely unjust to call Ram Setu as Adam's Bridge. So, Ram Setu or Raam's Birdge is a chain of limestone shoals, between Rameswaram Island, off the south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu, India, and Mannar Island, off the north-western coast of Sri Lanka. Geological evidence suggests that this bridge is a former land connection between India and Sri Lanka.

NASA satellite photo: India on top, Sri Lanka at the bottom

The setu(bridge) is 48 km(30 mi) long and separates the Gulf of Mannar (south-west) from the Palk Strait (northeast). Some of the regions are dry, and the sea in the area rarely exceeds 1 metre (3 ft) in depth, thus hindering navigation. It was reportedly passable on foot until the 15th century when storms deepened the channel. Rameshwaram temple records say that Adam's Bridge was entirely above sea level until it broke in a cyclone in 1480.

Rock Formation Of Ram Setu

Actual History of Ram Setu:

The ancient Indian Sanskrit Epic Ramayana that took place 1.6 million or 16 lakh years ago was written by Sage Valmiki. He mentions a bridge structure that is of supernatural origin, constructed by Vanara Sena(army of intelligent warrior monkeys or ape-men) to aid Rama to reach Lanka and rescue his wife Sita from the Rakshasa king, Raavana; who had kidnapped her. Led by Nila and under the engineering direction of Nala, the vanaras constructed a bridge to Lanka in five days. The bridge is also called Nala Setu, the bridge of Nala. The location of the Lanka of the Ramayana has been widely interpreted as being current day Sri Lanka making this stretch of land or Rama's bridge.

Facts That Prove Ramayana Existed:-

Hanuman Burns Lanka in Sundar Kaand

  • Sri Hanuman enters Lanka and searches for Seeta. Sage Valmiki describes what Sri Hanuman saw, as follows in Sanskrit:
  • त्रिविष्टप निभम् दिव्यम् दिव्य नाद विनादितम् |
    वाजि हेषित सम्घुष्टम् नादितम् भूषणैः तथा ||

    रथैः यानैः विमानैः च तथा गज हयैः शुभैः |
    वारणैः च चतुः दन्तैः श्वेत अभ्र निचय उपमैः ||

    भूषितम् रुचिर द्वारम् मत्तैः च मृग पक्षिभिः |
    राक्षस अधिपतेः गुप्तम् आविवेश गृहम् कपिः ||

    Translation:- The great Hanuma entered secretly Ravana's inner city which was equal to paradise, rendered noisy by neighing of horses and tinkling of ornaments, by chariots, vehicles and aerial-cars and decorated by auspicious elephants and horses and great elephants with four tusks and by birds and animals in heat. It had beautiful entrances and was protected by thousands of rakshasas with great strength.

    (Sundara Kaand 4th Sarga 26 - 28 Slokas)

    उत्तमम् राक्षसावासम् हनुमानवलोकयन् |
    आससादाथ लक्ष्मीवान् राक्षसेन्द्रनिवेशनम् ||

    चतुर् विषाणैर् द्विरदैः त्रिविषाणैः तथैव च |
    परिक्षिप्तम् असम्बाधम् रक्ष्यमाणम् उदायुधैः ||

    Translation:- Thereafter, Hanuman the glorious one neared and observed the best residence of Rakshasas and the house of Ravana, containing elephants with four tusks and also those with three tusks, those with two tusks and still not crowded. It was protected by soldiers bearing raised weapons

    (Sundara Kanda 9th Sarga 4 - 5 Slokas)

    Gompjothere Elephants With 2, 3 and 4 Tusks

    Here, Sage Valmiki describes elephants with four tusks and also those with three tusks and those with two tusks.
    • Modern anthropologists say that elephants with four tusks existed 12-1.6 million years ago.
    • The Gomphotheriidae were a diverse taxonomic family of extinct elephant-like animals (proboscideans). Referred to as gomphotheres, they were widespread in North America during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs, 12-1.6 million years ago. Some lived in parts of Eurasia, Beringia and, following the Great American Interchange, South America.
    • Gomphotheres differed from elephants in their tooth structure, particularly the chewing surfaces on the molar teeth. Most had four tusks, and their retracted facial and nasal bones prompt palaeontologists to believe that gomphotheres had elephant-like trunks.
    Lord Shri Rama and his brother Laxmana along with Mighty Hanuman & Vanara Sena

    Facts That Prove Ram Setu Was Built By Vanara Sena Of God Shri Ram:-

    • Though the Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) found no evidence for the structure being human-made and the ASI along with the government of India informed the Supreme Court of India in a 2007 affidavit that there was no historical proof of the bridge being built by Rama. But there are contradictory statements of ASI about the reasearch made by them on Ram-Setu.
    After having carried out reconnaissance surveys, bathymetric and sonar studies, sampling and drilling at several locations on the Adam's Bridge, the ASI came to the following conclusions:

    • The Rameshwaram island evolved approximately 1,25,000 years Before Present(BP).

  • The marine domain between Rameshwaram and Sri Lanka was exposed between 18,000 and 7,000 years BP during which time it would have been possible for human beings and animals to travel on foot between India and Lanka.
    • Rock and Soil samples show that the same being from the Upper Miocene period.

    According to Our Research, We have found out that Upper Micoene or Late Miocene Period Existed 11.63 Ma (million years ago) to 5.333 Ma. Vedic Period & Ancient Indian History as well as Hindu time chronology has scripts that talk about super natural powers and gods. Therefore, Ramayan Existed and there are quite a lot of evidences of Ram-Setu being made by Lord Rama and the great monkey.

    We at the Su-Niti News conclude our Today's Sunday Special with a statement: " History of Hinduism is the oldest in the world as it has always been inspiring and instilling righteousness in people around the world.

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