A day after Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav questioned the state allowance to use of India's COVID-19 vaccines and said he won't be taking "BJP'S Vaccine", Congress leaders Jairam Ramesh and Shashi Tharoor also doubted the approval given to Bharat' Biotech Vaccine.
However Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri was having none of it and slammed both and said "They first questioned the valour of our soldiers and are now unhappy that the two vaccines to get DGCI nod are made in India. Clearly they are on a quest for permanent political marginalisation."
As Hardeep Singh Puri termed them as "in house cynics", Jairam Ramesh replied to him by calling him "in house Goebbels-cum-Albert Speer" referring to two politicians who were close to Adolf Hitler.
Before the DCGI gave a go ahead to Bharat Biotech, Ramesh claimed that though Bharat Biotech is a first rate enterprise, Internationally accepted protocols relating to phase 3 trials are been modified for Covaxin.
Joining him on this claim was Tharoor who said that approval of Bharat Biotech is premature and could be dangerous and instead India should start using AstraZeneca Vaccine in the meantime.
Bharat Biotech is a first-rate enterprise, but it is puzzling that internationally-accepted protocols relating to phase 3 trials are being modified for Covaxin. Health Minister @drharshvardhan should clarify. pic.twitter.com/5HAWZtmW9s
— Jairam Ramesh (@Jairam_Ramesh) January 3, 2021
Our in-house cynics M/s Jairam, Tharoor & Akhilesh are behaving true to form.
— Hardeep Singh Puri (@HardeepSPuri) January 3, 2021
They first questioned the valour of our soldiers & are now unhappy that the two vaccines to get DCGI nod are made in India.
Clearly they are on a quest for permanent political marginalization.
So says the in-house Goebbels-cum-Albert Speer
— Jairam Ramesh (@Jairam_Ramesh) January 3, 2021
The Covaxin has not yet had Phase 3 trials. Approval was premature and could be dangerous. @drharshvardhan should please clarify. Its use should be avoided till full trials are over. India can start with the AstraZeneca vaccine in the meantime. https://t.co/H7Gis9UTQb
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) January 3, 2021