Mumbai Experiences a Chilly Saturday Morning with Temperature dipping to 16.6°©


In a City like Mumbai the main seasons are said to be Summer and Monsoon. Winter Season are not a thing as some Mumbaikars may say. They annually enjoy a winter season with the minimum temperature of atleast 20-21°© not less than that.

However times have changed in recent times and the cold breeze can be felt when waking on the road at night. Today morning Mumbai recorded it's chilliest morning of the year so far when the temperature meter read 16.6°©.

The Indian Metrological Department (IMD) at Santacruz recorded this measuring which is said to one degree below the normal temperature. This is the second time this season that Mumbai had recorded a temperature below 17°© when the Mercury dropped down to 16°© on December 22.

Meanwhile the Air Quality is also said to have been improved. The Air Quality Index (AQI) a pollutant measuring indicator measured 166 which is said to be Moderate. On Friday it was 190.[0-50= Good, 51-100= Satisfactory, 101-200=Moderate, 201-300=Poor,301-400= Very Poor and 400 or above= Severe]

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