The Mumbai Police has caught and arrested a 20 year old man according to the POSCO Act,for winking and blowing kisses at a 14 year old about 13 months later after the original complain and was also fined Rs 15,000 out of which 10,000 will be given to the girl after the appeal period is over.
The girl told the court that on February 29 last year, she was out with her sister when the incident happened. The accused who lived in her neighbourhood winked at her and then started blowing kisses at her.
After complaining to her mother, they later confronted the accused and got him arrested. The defence however stated that the acts described by the girl and her mother cannot be termed as those committed with any sexual intention. The Defence also claimed that a proper investigation was not carried out.
The Court however ruled that out and said "There is a consistent evidence that the accused was confronted after the incident. If the evidence in record is persuaded, then the acts of the accused of winking and giving flying kisses constitute a sexual gesture, thereby causing sexual harassment to the victim."