On Friday, The Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided the residence of former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh in Nagpur. This raid was conducted in the connection with alleged money laundering and bribery case.
After a CBI FIR, the ED filed a criminal case under the anti-money laundering law against Deshmukh.
His name surfaced up when Former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh drop a "letter bomb" to CM Uddhav Thackeray and alleged that Deshmukh had ordered former Mumbai Police cop Sachin Waze to collect Rs 100 Crore for him every month from bars and restaurants.
According to the report by The Indian Express, the ED has established a money trail of Rs 4 Crore, which was allegedly paid by about 10 Bar Owners in Mumbai to Deshmukh around three months ago.
Reacting to this raid, opposition leader Kirit Somaiya tweeted out that he is sure that Deshmukh will soon be in prison followed by State Transport Minister Anil Parab.
Here is what he tweeted:
ED raided CM Uddhav Thackeray's #Vasooli Minister #AnilDeshmukh residence. I am sure in few days he will be in Jail. Another VASOOLI Minister #AnilParab will follow Anil Deshmukh @BJP4Maharashtra @BJP4India
— Kirit Somaiya (@KiritSomaiya) June 25, 2021