During the investigation of the ongoing Vaccination Scam in Mumbai, the police have now arrested Dr Shivraj Pataria and his wife Dr Nita Pataria. The couple are the founders and owners of Shivam Hospital in Charkop.
The Hospital's role came into light when absconding accused Dr Manish Tripathi in his anticipatory bail application claimed that the hospital is the real culprit here.
The Mumbai Police in their investigation then found out that Shivam Hospital had got vials from the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) for vaccination till 30th April. They were not allowed vaccination after the above mentioned date.
The hospital then saved some vials. Some of them had vaccine in it while some were empty. These vials were then given by the Shivam Hospital to the accused who later administered these vials to the residents of the Hiranandani Housing Society.
These scam surfaced up around 10 days ago when the members of the housing society approached the police claiming of getting cheated in the name of vaccination.