After nearly 13 years in conservatorship, renowned American Singer and Songwriter Britney Spears told to a Los Angeles Judge about her struggles and pleaded with the court to end her father, James Spears, legal control over her life.
According to the US Law, a person can be placed under a conservatorship if they have any physical/mental problems. The Court or a judge will then appoint a "conservatee" to look after the daily and financial affairs and make choices for the person.
Due to her mental health concerns and potential substance abuse, Britney Spears was put under the conservatorship of her father in 2008.
In a 23 minute address by a phone which was broadcasted in the courtroom, Spears said "I've been in denial. I've been in shock. I am traumatized..... I shouldn't be in a conservatorship if I can work. The laws need to change.... I truly believe this conservatorship is abusive. I don't feel like I can live a full life... I just want my life back."
Moments after this message went viral, thousands of fan hitted social media coming in her support with the hashtag FreeBritney.