105 years old Veteran Sprinter Man Kaur passes away

On Saturday, Centenarian sprinter and veteran athlete Man Kaur passed away at the age of 105.

  • The former Indian athlete Man Kaur who was admitted to Shudhi Ayurvedic Hospital Derabassi in district Mohali, was declared dead at 1 pm on Saturday.

"Veteran athlete Man Kaur is dead and will be cremated tomorrow. She was admitted in Shudhi Ayurvedic Hospital Derabassi in district Mohali and was declared dead at 1 pm," son Gurdev Singh told ANI.

In 2017, she hit the headlines after clinching the 100-meter sprint at the World Masters Games in Auckland in 2017. Kaur, who started running at the age of 93, was also dubbed as 'Miracle from Chandigarh'.

We at the Su-Niti News condole her demise.

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