Do you believe in the Supernatural power of Lord Shri Krishna and his technological advancements?

Today we'll tell you some of the facts related to Shree Krishna and Jagannaath Temple of Puri.

About the Temple

The Shree Jagannath Temple is an important Hindu temple dedicated to Jagannath, a form of Vishnu, in Puri in the state of Odisha on the eastern coast of India. It is one of the Chār Dham. The present temple was rebuilt from the 10th century onwards, on the site of an earlier temple, and begun by King Anantavarman Chodaganga Deva, first of the Eastern Ganga dynasty.

JagannathBalabhadra and Subhadra are a trio of deities worshipped at the temple. The inner sanctum of the temple contains statues of these three Gods carved from sacred neem logs known as daru sitting on the bejewelled platform or ratnabedi, along with statues of Sudarshana Chakra, Madanmohan(Shri Krishna), Sridevi and Vishwadhatri. The deities are adorned with different clothing and jewels according to the season. Worship of these deities pre-dates the building of the temple and may have originated in an ancient tribal shrine.

History, Significance & Mystery

According to Ancient Inscriptions, Puranas, etc., it is said that after the Epic war of Kurukshetra (Mahabharata) Lord Shri Krishna was once, resting inside a forest. A hunter shot an arrow at Krishna's foot mistaking him as a deer. After that the hunter burnt Shri Krishna's body but strangely everything burnt into ashes except his heart. He then placed krishna's heart on a wood and floated it in ganga which then reached Puri. The heart was then placed inside the Idol of Lord Jagannaath sanctioned by King of Puri.

"The Heart of Lord Jagannaath/Krishna is also known as Brahma Padārth"

In physical form the heart appeared as some form of heavy metal device capable of conducting massive energy. Unlike the stone and metal icons found in most Hindu temples, the idol of Jagannath is made of wood and is ceremoniously replaced every 12 or 19 years by an exact replica during the ceremony of "NABAKALEBARA".

During the replacement of the Idol, the priest of the temple is blindfolded and has to wear thick gloves before touching the heart. The temple premises are also shut and the electric supply of the entire city is cut off for an hour or so.

The temple is sacred to all Hindus and especially in those of the Vaishnava traditions.

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