Women to be allowed to travel by trains in Maharashtra Soon?


On Friday the Maharashtra Government announced that Ladies will be allowed to travel in local trains from Saturday (17th October,2020) between 11 am to 3 pm and then from 7pm till the last train service but minutes later the Railways sent a message to the state government saying that such services cannot start immediately from Saturday and it would require clearance from Railway Board.

A letter from the government officials to both Western and Central Railways read "It is requested that local train services may be made available for all women commuters from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and again from 7 p.m. till last services runs with effect from October 17,2020 in Mumbai and MMR".

The letter has also requested in increasing services on both railway lines. In the reply by Western Railway it said it cannot allowed it with the permission of the Railway Board.

"The matter has been referred to the railway board. Once approval is recieved then such permissions can be communicated to you" said the response in a letter by the WR.

There is a genuine fear that resuming the normal services from everyone can result in increase of Covid-19 cases in Maharashtra. It continues to the Country's worst hit state. Railways Services have been shut since the pandemic began and Lockdown was enforced. Currently Special train services are being run for office employee and just 2 days earlier the WR allowed the resumption of AC Local Services in Mumbai.

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