Interim Relief To Arnab Declined Again By Bombay HC; "Behave like an accused" Alibaug Court Magistrate to Goswami.

The Bombay High Court on Friday, 6 November once again declined to grant immediate interim relief to Arnab Goswami over his arrest by the Maharashtra Police for alleged abetment of suicide, but will consider the issue again on Saturday, after hearing from the state and the police.

The Chief Magistrate of Alibaug Court on Wednesday told Republic TV Editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami to maintain decorum and "behave like an accused" while hearing the case and told him to not to interrupt the proceedings of the court.

Arnab Goswami was produced before the Chief Magistrate of Alibaug Court Sunaina Pingale in the evening of Wednesday and was then ordered around midnight to stay in Judicial Custody for 14 days i.e till 18th November,2020.

Representing the kin of the deceased interior designer Anvay Naik, Advocate Vilak Naik said "Arnab Goswami attempted to climb the dais in front of the magistrate when she asked to stand beyond the plastic partition(put up for COVID protection) in order to see his injury marks more clearly". The magistrate had warned him against climbing the dais.

[Later during the proceedings when Goswami's lawyer was presenting the case, he once again raised his voice and waved his hand to show the injury marks. That's when she said to him to maintain decorum and behave like an accused. Even when the medical doctor was been questioned he raised his voice and said that he(the doctor) was lying.

The Magistrate Pingale then warned him that he will be "thrown" out of the courtroom and his words won't be taken into consideration and she would only listen to his lawyer. After this he became silent and the proceedings proceeded.]

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