According to reports, Amul milk price will increase by 2 Rs per litre from July 1 across India. This price rise will be effective on all brands of Amul milk including Gold, Taaza, Shakti, T-Special, cow and buffalo milk etc.
As per officials, the price has been hiked after a gap of nearly one year and seven months. Increase in production cost is said to be the reason behind this price hike.
The last price hike came in December 2019 when Amul raised the price by 3 Rs per litre in states of Gujarat, Delhi-NCR, West Bengal and Maharashtra. At the same time, Mother Dairy too increased their price by 3 Rs per litre but only in Delhi-NCR.
- Managing Director of Amul RS Sodhi said "Price of Amul milk will be increased by 2 Rs per litre across India from tomorrow. The new prices will be applicable on all Amul milk brands like Gold, Taaza, Shakti, T-Special, as well as on cow and buffalo milk."
"The cost for packaging has gone up by 30 to 40 per cent, transportation cost by 30 per cent and energy cost by 30 per cent which lead to the increase in the input cost" added Sodhi.
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