On Friday morning, 29 January 2021, Gujarati theatre actor and director Arvind Joshi, actor Sharman Joshi and Mansi Joshi Roy's father breathed his last at Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai.
He is survived by his wife and two children Sharman and Mansi. Mansi is married to actor Rohit Roy. Arvind Joshi was the brother-in-law of actress Sarita Joshi and uncle of actress Ketki Dave.
Arvind Joshi was known more for his work on the Gujarati stage than in films. He has also acted in films such as Sholay, Ittefaq and Apmaan Ki Aag.
Sharman, on the other hand, has worked in Bollywood for over two decades and is married to Prem Chopra's daughter Prerana.
We at the Su-Niti News condole the demise of the thespian.