Latest Reports of Afghanistan Horror

The world is witnessing the horror of war that Afghanistan and its innocent citizens have been going through since Taliban started capturing all of the provinces including Afghanistan's capital - Kabul. The following incidents have taken place in the last 24-48 hours:-

  • Afghan military plane has crashed in Uzbekistan.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Political Chief of Taliban
  • After Taliban took control of the Presidential palace in Kabul, China on Monday said that it is willing to develop "friendly relations" with the terrorist outfit. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman of China Hua Chunying said, "China respects the right of the Afghan people to independently determine their own destiny and is willing to develop... friendly and cooperative relations with Afghanistan".
  • The local authorities declared the Afghanistan Airspace as "uncontrollable". Air India cancelled it's Delhi-Kabul-Delhi flight which was scheduled to operate today(Monday). Air India also diverted two of it's aircraft coming to Delhi from US towards Sharjah in UAE for the same reason. Also India has been giving refuge to a lot of Afghan who have fled from Kabul on Saturday-Sunday.
Visuals of Kabul International Airport
  • On Monday at least three people lost their lives following gunfire at the passenger terminal of Kabul's international airport. The incident happened after thousands of Afghans gathered at the Kabul airport to seek an evacuation flight to India.
  • Later today, in another shocking video, desperate Afghans who had clung on to the underbelly of a C-17 Globemaster fell down from the plane. "Locals near Kabul airport claim that three young men who were holding themselves tightly on to the tires of an airplane fell on top of people's houses. One of the locals confirmed this and said that the fall of these people made a loud and terrifying noise," tweeted Asvaka News Agency.
Talibani terrorists at Presidential Palace

  • The Government of Afghanistan fell on Sunday after President Ashraf Ghani resigned and reportedly fled to Tajikistan to save his life. According to Russian agency Ghani flew away with cash loaded vehicles. Leaving the country's capital Ghani expressed his grief through a facebook post.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Dear countrymen! Today, I came across a hard choice; I should stand to face the armed Taliban who wanted to enter the palace or leave the dear country that I dedicated my life to protecting and protecting the past twenty years. If there were still countless countrymen martyred and they would face the destruction and destruction of Kabul city, the result would have been a big human disaster in this six million city. The Taliban have made it to remove me, they are here to attack all Kabul and the people of Kabul. In order to avoid the bleeding flood, I thought it was best to get out. Taliban have won the judgement of sword and guns and now they are responsible for protecting the countrymen's honor, wealth and self-esteem. Didn't they win the legitimacy of hearts. Never in history has dry power given legitimacy to anyone and won't give it to them. They are now facing a new historical test; either they will protect the name and honor of Afghanistan or they will prioritize other places and networks. Many people and many Aqshar are in fear and are unreliable in the future. It is necessary for Taliban to assure all the people, nations, different sectors, sisters and women of Afghanistan to win the legitimacy and the hearts of the people. Make a clear plan to do and share it with the public. I will always continue to serve my nation with an intellectual moment and a plan to develop. Lots more talk for the future Long live Afghanistan.

  • On Sunday (local time), over 60 countries including the US, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and Canada urged "all parties" to safeguard the departure of foreign nationals and Afghans who wish to leave the war-torn country, and said that roads, airports and border crossing must remain open. This development came after the US asked its troops to back out from Afghanistan.

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