Sunday Special:- The Revolutionary Benoy-Badal-Dinesh!

We At The Su-Niti News Salute & Bow Down To The Revolutionary Dinesh Gupta(Dinesh Chandra Gupta) who was born on this day (6th December 1911) in Josholong in Munshiganj District, now in Bangladesh.

While he was studying in Dhaka College, Dinesh joined Bengal Volunteers - a group organised by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in 1928, at the occasion of Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress. Soon the Bengal Volunteers transformed itself to a more active revolutionary association and planned to kill infamous British police officers. For a short while, Dinesh Gupta was in Midnapore training local revolutionaries in the use of firearms. Revolutionaries trained by him were responsible for the assassination of three District Magistrates in succession, Douglas, Burge, and Peddy.

On 8 December 1930, Dinesh, along with Benoy Basu and Badal Gupta, dressed in European costume, entered the Writers' Building and shot dead Lt Col NS Simpson, the Inspector General of Prisons, infamous for the brutal oppression of the prisoners.

Dalhousie Square During Those Days

Nearby police started firing at them in response. What ensued was a brief gunfight between the 3 young revolutionaries and the police. Some other officers like Twynam, Prentice, and Nelson suffered injuries during the shooting.

Revolutionary Benoy Basu

Soon they were overpowered by the police but the three did not wish to be arrested. Badal Gupta took Potassium cyanide, while Benoy and Dinesh shot themselves with their own revolvers. Benoy was taken to the hospital where he died on 13 December 1930.

However, Dinesh survived the near-fatal injury. He was convicted and sentenced to death.

Revolutionary Badal Gupta

While in Alipore Jail, he wrote letters to his sister which were later compiled into the book 'Ami Shubhash Bolchhi'. He was hanged on 7 July 1931 at Alipore Jail. Soon after that, Kanailal Bhattacharjee took revenge for the hanging by killing Mr. Gerlick (the judge of the Dinesh Gupta case) on 27 July 1931.

Statue of Benoy-Badal-Dinesh(BBD)

The Dalhousie Square was renamed as BBD Bagh where stands a statue of Badal-Binoy-Dinesh today before the Writers' Building in Kolkata. This was the Secretariat from where India was run by the colonial rulers for long.

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